Real estate in Fontenay le Comte :

Our practical sheets

Our practical sheets

Practicing a profession in a condominium lot

Co-property information

Are you planning to exercise a liberal profession in a condominium lot? It is necessary to verify, beforehand, if the destination of the lot allows it.

When the co-ownership by-laws stipulate that the lot is for professional use or allows the exercise of a liberal profession, it can be used without difficulty by the owner of the lot or by a tenant.

When the lot does not have a defined destination, you can exercise a liberal profession on the premises, if the destination of the building allows it. If the building is for mixed use, residential and professional, you may exercise a profession on the premises.

On the other hand, if the lot is intended for residential use, assigning it to a professional use requires different authorizations:

From the co-ownership: the modification of the destination of the lot, as it appears in the co-ownership regulations, requires a vote of theco-owners' meeting. This change of destination can lead to a modification of the distribution of the co-ownership charges.

Town planning: a change of use must be requested from the town planning department of the town hall.

From the mayor: a change of use must be requested, in municipalities with more than 200,000 inhabitants, the departments of the inner suburbs (92, 93 and 94) and those in which the regulations have been extended. It is necessary to get information from the town hall.

Note: the change of destination is subject to planning permission, that is, depending on the importance of the work that accompanies it:

  • - A prior declaration,
  • - Or a building permit.

If you do not touch the load-bearing structures or the facade and you do not carry out work that requires a building permit, you will only have to request a simple prior declaration for this change of use.